Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Having everything you need ready before you leave

Dear Fellow Camper,

Are you the sort of person who uses a list to get ready? Do you look for tips and advice to know what to expect?
And you have questions like these -- What gear do I need to get? What food should I bring? How do I cook the food? What kind of wild animals could I run into? How do I pack? What sort of activities can I do while camping? How do I start a campfire?
Even if you didn't ask those questions, you're the type that still wants the answers anyway.
Well, if that's you, you're not alone. You're among the few smart people who take the steps to find out how to make a camping trip enjoyable ahead of time.
There is a book called “The Beginner's Guide To Getting You Started With Comfortable Tent Camping In 12 Easy Affordable Steps”.  It is all the information you will want for a succesful camping trip.  You can purchse this book and get free bonuses by clicking on this link-- Click Here!

I highly recommend this book.  It will help you avoid uncomfortable and costly mistakes for your tent camping trip.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Prescott in July

We spent the week of July 5 thru the 9th at the Willow Lakes RV park in Prescott AZ. It was only a 4 hour drive to get there. That includes coffee stop at Circle K, and a gas stop at Safeway in Chino Valley. This is the fouth time we have stayed at this facility. The main reason we stay there is because for the entire week it only cost $95 for our stay. It is nestled in a nice quiet area. The tent sites are plentiful but not all the same size. Our tent measures 17' by 10' and we also had a canopy for shade. This year we brought our son with us. That is him with his guitar standing on the rock.

We had a good choice of sites that our tent and canopy would fit on. We had one site picked out but found a better one on our way to the office to tell them where we would like to stay. The staff there is very courteous. They let us check out the tent sites and pick our own. There are some pictures of our tentsite at the bottom of this page

We were very happy with our choice. The only disadvantage was the humidity. Being a desert dweller I am not used to high humidity rates. I would recommend Willow Lakes RV for spring time.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Camping in our tent

Greetings and thank you for viewing my blog. I grew up in upstate New York with 5 brothers and no sisters. Every summer we would go on camping trips to the Adirondack mountains.  The picture on the left is the Adirondacks.   It was always so much fun to just get out of the norm and explore new areas.

When I became an adult I didn't have much time to pursue my love of camping. Now that I am older my spouse and I like to camp in our large tent at least once a year. Just recently we went to Washington state to visit our daughter , son in law and 2 grandsons. We thought that the end of May would be ideal camping weather for us; did I mention that we live in Arizona? To us nice camping weather is mid 70's to low 80's. When we arrived in Washington it was in the 60's during the day and some nights it dipped into freezing temps. The sky was mostly cloudy and it was too wet to camp.  It didn't look anything like this.

Our daughter then told us that to Washington residents the weather was considered nice. We ended up canceling our prepaid camp site and sleeping in the living room at our daughters apartment.

I have determined that the next time we go to Washington state to camp it will be some time in June.